'The relationship between body, mind and soul is a very deep and complex topic. As someone who creates, I have been trying to find some kind of understanding of this question, of human relations and of different forms of behaviour as well while using the art of movement. Cage also reflects on these problems: it aims to communicate thoughts and feelings about the ‘enlightenment’ of people and their fight for survival.'
(Pal Frenak, Librarius.hu)
Cage - a confined space, which has the illusion of transparency and comprises the chaotic system of our world, but at the same time, gives a remarkable opportunity for artists to show millions of approaches
In the first creation of this new generational formation, the dancers put the modern world’s social and political phenomena into a visionary perspective, while evoking the nostalgia of an era that they did not have a chance to experience, even though they yearn to have done so. The flashing, strongly emotional memories make them relive these imagined experiences without having to meet anyone’s expectations, and the audience can see them in the free interpretation of young generational creators. The dancers do not offer ready-made solutions, they do not insist on their own truth and they are not willing to play the role of the victim of our times. On this open, artistic ‘playground’ provided by FrenAK, the mentor’s only aim is to help the dancers find their own identity and authenticity without being ashamed of the fragility of the youth and the risks that they took together in order to show their true selves.
Recommended for ages 16+

The audience cannot think of anything else but the image of a prison, a mental institution or a zoo. This means that being confined, being isolated, the stigmas, the aggression and the abuse deriving from this arbitrary separation, they are all basic and animalistic instincts that are ready to burst.
Krisztina Horeczky
Performers and choreographers
Fanni Esterhazy, Eoin Mac Donncha, Milan Maurer, Anibal dos Santos
Philosophical consultant
Nora Horvath PhD
(Associate Professor of Philosophy)
Music editor
Gabor Halasz
Janos Marton
Attila Hajas
Gergo Ofner
Set design
Laszlo Smilo, Paradigma Ariadne
Alpine technique
Gyorgy Zoltai