The God known as Hymenaios in ancient Greece and Hymen in ancient Rome was referred to as the son of either Apollo or Dionysus. Regardless of his disputed ancestry, he was deeply revered and his name referred to feasts, matings and the songs sung in his praise. In Pál Frenák’s latest piece entitled Hymen, we are also invited to join a wedding. Over the course of this evening we can drift between the here and now and a far away place, while witnessing something deeply personal and yet disturbingly common. On this evening we can sense a drifting, irresistible force pushing us onwards, allowing us to discover – both as a witness and a participant – the painful pattern of eternal and yet still finite pattern of human games within the internal relations of a family.
Premier: 31.05.2012.
Emese Jantner, Nelson Reguera, Erika Vasas, Péter Holoda, Zoltán Feicht
Gilles Gauvin
Attila Hajas
Janos Marton
Alpine technique
Gyorgy Zoltai
Ildikó Schopp
Choreography and concept
Pal Frenak
Co-production of Mozgó Ház Alapítvány – Flórián Műhely, Scene Nationale d'Evreux-Louviers, Danse à Lille, Compagnie Pal Frenak and Trafo House of Contemporary Arts